Team Hoodin

Sep 18, 2020

Our participation in Biotechgate Digital Partnering conference

A few weeks ago, our Strategic Partnership Manager Felicia Falevall attended the Biotechgate Digital Partnering conference - an online event that synergies business development for Biotech, Pharma and Medtech companies.

The conference had over 1000 participants, including 15 of the 20 world leading Pharma companies. The four day international conference was held virtually from august 31st to september 3rd. Very exciting to connect with companies in this industry where we see several synergies. The event resulted in many future prospects and several new dialogues with potential partners. In this blog post, Felicia will answer a few questions about the event and share some thoughts about how we work with our partners.

What are the best top three things about the Biotechgate Digital Partnering Conference?

  • Definitely the diversity of companies and participants. We have had meetings with everything from the CEO’s , QA/ RA managers and business developers.  

  • The many opportunities that they are creating for the industry. 

  • And last but not least, the concept of having short and efficient meetings on a digital platform during several days, is genius and very effective! 

What kind of partners are we looking for in the biotech, pharma and medtech industry? 
We are mainly looking for CRO’s that have services that target the PMS/ PV or the regulatory aspect.  But we have also had a few meetings with potential partners who are working within the market research area. It is very exciting to be exploring and thinking outside the box about what our platform can achieve.  

What do you think are the most important parts of a successful and long-lasting partnership?
First of all, every partnership looks different and has different needs. But some generic parts that applies to most of them are definitely: 

Business alignment: To define a strategic mutual vision of success for both parties. Once we agree on what success looks like for both sides and how each can leverage the strengths of the partnership, then you will have a stable foundation established. 

Marketing: The world needs to know about the partnership. But also to have consistent communications both internally and externally. The partnership creates a joint-value proposition, unique to customers and their needs. 

Effective communication: Having an open and honest communication can be the bearing part of the partnership. Make sure to be upfront with any problems that might be causing obstructions and celebrate your successes together. Trust your partner to have your best interests at heart; after all, you share a common goal. To make your partnership lasting and thriving, a good communication is the key to success. 

How would you explain our partner program in one sentence?
Wow, that's a hard question. But I would describe it like this: It is the ultimate journey for the partner who wants to find mutual growth together with a platform that delivers true value to its customers.

Emmie Olsson & Felicia Falevall