Request a Trial
Hoodin is specifically designed to perform monitoring for a life science product throughout their entire life cycle. With Hoodin, you have the flexibility to set up monitoring for a specific product (brand name) or a product type (such as a device, IVD product, or drug.) The trial project you will have access to will be customized to monitor the product or product type of your preference.
You will get access to a 14- day free trial of Hoodin
Request a Trial
Hoodin is specifically designed to perform monitoring for a life science product throughout their entire life cycle. With Hoodin, you have the flexibility to set up monitoring for a specific product (brand name) or a product type (such as a device, IVD product, or drug.) The trial project you will have access to will be customized to monitor the product or product type of your preference.
You will get access to a 14- day free trial of Hoodin
Request a Trial
Hoodin is specifically designed to perform monitoring for a life science product throughout their entire life cycle. With Hoodin, you have the flexibility to set up monitoring for a specific product (brand name) or a product type (such as a device, IVD product, or drug.) The trial project you will have access to will be customized to monitor the product or product type of your preference.
You will get access to a 14- day free trial of Hoodin
Introduction Sources
Watch the Video, Take the Quiz, and Download Resources Below!
Download Free Resources
1. PDF Guide: Create Your Own Surveillance Hub
2. The Surveillance Hubs Quiz
3. Set Up Your Own Surveillance Hub

Key Takeaways:
What are Surveillance Hubs
Centralised command centers for all your surveillance activities.
Key Functions of Hubs
Centralised data management
Real-time alerts and updates
Custamisable surveillance
Enhanched decision-making
Streamlined reporting
Types of Hubs
Product Brand Surveillance
Product Type Surveillance
Custom SUrveillance
Setting Up Your Own Hub
Choose hub type, enter product details, configure settings
PDF Guide
1. Key Functions of Hubs: Explore the key functions of hubs, including centralized data management, real-time alerts, customizable surveillance, enhanced decision-making, and streamlined reporting.
2. Types of Hubs: Discover the different types of hubs you can set up, such as Product Brand Surveillance, Product Type Surveillance, and Custom Surveillance.
3. Create Your Own Surveillance Hub: Step-by-Step Guide
4. Practical Demonstration: Watch a step-by-step guide on how to set up your own surveillance hub, tailored to your specific needs.
Download Resources:
PDF Guide: Create Your Own Surveillance Hub
Step-by-Step Instructions: Follow along with the video tutorial to input your own information and set up your surveillance hub.

Get instant access to your free guide. No email or signup required!

Get instant access to the Quiz.
No email or signup required!

Create your own surveillance hub. 100% Free Trial.
