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New use case template for Medtech - Quality and standards

We are happy to present a brand new use case template for our industry solution Hoodin for Medtech - Quality and standards. This new use case addresses the need to stay well informed about changes in standards and the latest insights and trends in how to keep quality operations at top.

Quality and standards in short

For standards, users will be able to monitor sources such as and keep track of any changes and newly released (even planned releases) in standards. Besides ISO, users will also find most of the largest international and national standard organisations as available sources.

Quality is a large topic and new methods, insights, and cases are published every day. With Hoodin for Quality and standards, users will now be able to monitor the thought leaders and experts within quality.

Direct demand and a clear need from the industry

Hoodin already offers solutions where users may monitor digital content and data to streamline Post Market Surveillance, Regulatory Intelligence and Medical Writing and Content Marketing. The new addition of a so-called Use Case Template will alleviate the problem many companies within Medtech have in keeping track of changes regarding standards and news about upcoming standards. We are happy to now be able to offer this new use case to both existing and new users.

“The reason why we are launching this particular solution is due to direct demand from existing customers and partners, who have noted a clear demand and a need for this. We are now looking forward to strengthening Hoodin as another kind of standard for the entire Medtech industry, as we are the only company that can offer solutions for some of the most time and costly areas for digital content monitoring.” Marcus Emne, CEO at Hoodin

A time-consuming area of digital content monitoring

To manually keep track of all these Quality and standards news, updates and insights is a time-consuming job but a really important task that needs to be done. Every day, a huge amount of digital content is being published online and it’s almost impossible to be able to keep track of everything - and also, not to miss anything. Automating the process will give you not only a more efficient process but also a better overview of the results from your searches and no more missed insights. Let’s start today! Book a meeting with us and we’ll be happy to show you more.


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