Hoodin is growing and last week we welcomed Nicholas Wells to the team as our new partner and sales manager UK / Ireland. We are very happy and proud to work with Nicholas, who has solid experience in the Pharma industry. Nicholas has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years with clients of all sizes, where he has gained expertise in the field of Regulatory Affairs. Since 2005, he has owned and operated a successful consulting company (IPC Ltd) that offers services to the pharmaceutical and medical device industry. Nicholas has expertise in Pharmacovigilance and the Pharma industry - an industry in which Hoodin operates in. To get to know Nicholas and hear his thoughts on the challenges and needs of the Pharma industry regarding automated content monitoring, we took a chat with him.
Welcome to Hoodin Nicholas! What are your first impressions of Hoodin as a workplace and platform?
Hoodin is a great place to be, with an extremely motivated, forward thinking and welcoming team of individuals. The platform has such fantastic potential to add tremendous value to the Medtech and Biopharma industries by streamlining various processes. I look forward to working with partners and clients to showcase Hoodin's products.
What benefits do you see with Hoodin as a tool for automated external digital content monitoring?
The ability to easily and continually automate the monitoring of external digital content is invaluable for both Pharmacovigilance (PV) and regulatory departments. From my experience many of these departments are already under various resource and budget constraints, with time also being a massive limiting factor. Therefore the ability to automate a number of processes, whilst continuing to meet tight regulatory deadlines is a massive win-win!
What do you see as challenges in the Pharma industry regarding Pharmacovigilance?
The variety of data sources for identification of safety signals continues to grow, as does the overall function of PV. This includes the activity known as social listening, which includes monitoring internal (chat rooms, forums) or external (Twitter, Linked-in or Facebook) feeds for safety surveillance. To meet these challenges companies are utilizing a growing number of SaaS products, such as Hoodin, which they either use in-house or via a third party.
What tips do you want to give to companies that today do large parts of the Pharmacovigilance process manually?
PV is an extremely quality driven function, and rightly so. Therefore it is important to ensure that the processes used are well documented in suitable procedures. Some of these manual processes are very time consuming and have the potential to lead to human error, such as missed information or duplication of reporting. I encourage companies to initially assess all of the tasks they currently carry out manually and determine where automation, such as Hoodin's platform can save time and resources and hopefully lead to a reduction in human error.
Finally, what are you looking forward to being part of the Hoodin team?
I am looking forward to working with this young and vibrant Hoodin team, bringing the Pharma product to the UK and Ireland markets and seeing the benefits it can bring to the PV and Regulatory world. Oh and of course visiting Sweden more often!
Thank you Nicholas, and again a big welcome to Hoodin!
Are you interesting of knowing more how Hoodin can help you streamline your Pharmacovigilance process contact Nicholas via nicholas@hoodin.com or book a demo here.
Emmie Olsson, Marketing manager